
Archive for October, 2007


October 17th, 2007 1 comment


The following is a list of Year End Procedures. An asterisk (*) denotes the procedures which initialize year-to-date fields in various files. In order to ensure accurate data, these utilities must be run before any processing that updates these fields is done in the new year. The timing of executing the remaining utilities is not critical. These procedures apply to SYMIX and Syteline. The following Resolutions have an explanation of each procedure and the keystrokes to select from the main menu.

1) A/R Year End Procedure *

2) Vendor/Item and Customer/Item YTD *

3) P/R Year End Procedure (Based on Calendar Year) *

4) Print W-2 Forms (Based on Calendar Year)

5) Human Resources Year End Processing *

6) Year End Closing Journal Entries

7) A/P Year End Procedure (Payments YTD Based on Calendar Year) *

8) Print 1099 Forms (Based on Calendar Year)

9) Set Item PTD and YTD Totals to Zero *

10) Fixed Assets Year End Procedure*

11) Update Current Period and Current Fiscal Year


CUSTOMER (Accounts Receivable)

1) A/R Year End Procedure*

This utility will reset fields in the Customer Maintenance and/or the Salesperson Master tables. The fields that will be reset to zero are the Sales PTD, Sales YTD, Discounts YTD, Sales Last Year, and Discounts Last Year for the Customer Master. The fields that will be reset to zero for the Salesman Master are Sales PTD and Sales YTD. This utility MUST be executed after generating invoices and posting customer payments for the current year BEFORE posting any of these transactions for the new year.

NOTE: This utility should only be run once. If you run it more than once, it will results in zeros in Sales Last Year and Discount/Allowance Last Year fields.


– Payments

– Utilities

– Period/Year End Procedure (ar/arend.p)

2) Vend/Item and Cust/Item YTD *

This utility will reset the fields in the Vendor/Item Cross Reference (venditem) and the Customer/Item Cross Reference (custitem) fields to zero. The Vendor/Item fields reset are Ordered YTD, Received YTD, Rejected YTD, Avg Cost, Avg Lead Time, Avg Lateness, Avg Cost/Plan %, and Last Cost/Plan %. The Customer/Item fields reset are Purchases YTD, Ordered YTD, Shipped YTD, and Ordered PTD.

– Customer

– Customer Inquiry (or Customer Maintenance)

– Utilities

– Order Utilities

– Vend/Item and Cust/Item YTD (util/cvitem-y.p)

NOTE: This utility is located in both the Customer and Vendor modules but only needs to be run once.


EMPLOYEE (Payroll and Human Resources)

1) Payroll Year End Procedure *

This utility updates the Employee Master to reflect the change of the year. The year to date gross and tax fields are set to zero in the Employee Master and the vacation hours due is reset to the sum of the remaining hours due and the vacation hours paid (the sick hours due must be manually reset). This utility should be run after the last payroll of the year and before the first payroll for the next year. All adjusting transactions for the current year must be entered and posted before executing this utility.

– Employee

– Payroll Processing

– Utilities

– Year-End Closing (pr/prend.p)

2) Print W-2 Forms

This procedure will calculate the year-to-date gross wages and taxes for each employee in the Employee Master file. The information comes from the posted payroll file (prtrxp). Please be prepared for the W-2’s to take a long time to process. The length of time is dependent upon the number of employees and the frequency with which they are paid. It is not uncommon for the processing on large databases to take several days. If you have an automatic overnight backup procedure, such as a cron, it should be disabled to ensure that the database server is not shutdown. In addition, sending the output to a file can be helpful. This will allow the W-2’s to be reviewed before they are printed and to be re-printed if necessary without additional processing time.

– Employee

– Payroll Processing

– Reports

– Other Payroll Reports

– W-2 Form Printing (?)

W-2’s can also be generated on Magnetic Media which is available under Other Payroll Reports and then W-2 Magnetic Media Reporting. A file called W2REPORT is created which is the file name required by the Social Security Administration and should not be changed. The file can be put on either a tape or any size Floppy Disk. There is an option for Create State Tax Records for states that require Magnetic Media W-2’s.

3) Human Resources Year End Procedure *

This utility updates sick leave and vacation records for the selected range of employees. Only records which have not been processed during this calendar year will be affected. The total amount of sick leave or vacation hours due last year is calculated and this number plus any carry over amounts minus any days used will be the new total days. All other fields are set to zero.

– Employee

– Applicants

– Utilities

– Year End Procedure (hr/yearend.p)


FINANCIAL (General Ledger)

1) Year End Closing Journal Entries

This procedure will create debit and credit entries to close out all revenue and expense accounts for the date range specified. These entries will be placed in the General Journal and the General Journal must then be posted to the General Ledger. When prompted to enter “Income Summary Account” enter the Retained Earnings account that has been setup as type “O” in the Chart of Accounts. The question “Delete journal entries first?” on the option screen refers to existing entries in the General Journal only. When saying YES to Unit Code Detail, the unit code balances in the revenue and expense accounts will be cleared as well. Saying NO will leave the balances in the unit codes, and carry them forward.

DO NOT change any of the references generated by the system on the entries in the General Journal. This procedure should be run after all entries made to the fiscal year are posted. In addition, if any adjusting entries need to be made after the procedure has been run, the procedure MUST be performed again.

– Financial

– Journal Entries

– Utilities

– Year End Procedures (gl/glend.p)


MATERIAL (Inventory and MRP)

1) Set Item PTD/YTD Totals to Zero *

This utility will reset fields in the Item Maintenance to zero. The fields reset are Sold YTD, Used YTD, Purchased YTD, Quantity Manufactured YTD, and Sales YTD. The utility should be run after completing jobs, shipping orders, and PO receipts for the previous year and prior to performing any of these transactions for the next year.

– Material

– Inventory

– Item Maintenance

– Utilities

– Set Item/Whse PTD/YTD to Zero (util/set-iytd.p)


Suppose the following entries were the financial activity for a company for the fiscal year of 01/01/00 to 12/31/00 using the following accounts:

10000 Asset

20000 Liabilities

30000 Owner’s Equity

40000 Revenue

50000 Expense

— Example of Ending Balances (12/31/00)

10000 100,000.00

20000 (64,500.00)

30000 (20,000.00)

40000 (23,500.00)

50000 8,000.00

— Example of Year End Entries

30000 15,500.00

40000 23,500.00

50000 (8,000.00)

— Example of Ending Balance (12/31/00) after Year End Procedures

10000 100,000.00

20000 (64,500.00)

30000 (35,500.00)

40000 00

50000 00

NOTE: No entries were generated for Accounts Receivable or Cash because they are asset accounts. Only revenue and expense accounts are closed out.

2)  Update Current Period and Current Fiscal Year

In order to post journals for next fiscal year and close previous year, the Current Fiscal Year field on the General Parameters screen must be manually updated to the next fiscal year. Note: You must create the accounting periods (see below) before you can change the fiscal year.

– File

– Parameters

– General

You also need to update the Current field on the Accounting Periods screen.

– Financial

– Accouting Periods

– Activities

– Current Period Update

3) Fixed Assets Year End Procedure * (See notes on General Ledger)

This procedure will reset the year-to-date depreciation field for each fixed asset master record that falls within the selected range of assets. This utility MUST be performed after the last depreciation generation for the current year and before generating depreciation for the new year.

– Financial

– Fixed Assets

– Utilities

– Year End Procedures (fa/faend.p)

NOTE: When Generating Depreciation for the 12th period, there is an option for Year End processing. If yes, the Depreciation will be done for all periods and year items. Depreciation for period and year cannot be done separately. If Depreciation is run and posted twice, once with year end processing no and once with yes, it will double depreciate all period items.


VENDOR (Accounts Payable)

1) A/P Year End Procedure *

This utility will reset fields in the Vendor Master file (vendor). The fields are reset to zero (Discount YTD, Purchase YTD, and Payments YTD). In addition, the Purchases Last Year is set with the current value of the Purchases YTD and the Discounts Last Year is set to the current value of the Discounts YTD. The Payments YTD procedure MUST be performed after the last Accounts Payable check run for the calendar year, BEFORE posting any Accounts Payable checks for the new year.

NOTE: Payment YTD Year End must be run at the end of the calendar year (not the fiscal year). This field is used in generating 1099’s which are printed on a calendar year basis.

– Vendor

– Payments

– Utilities

– Year End Procedure (ap/append.p)

NOTE: This utility should only be run once. If you run it more than once, it will results in zeros in Payments Last Year, Purchases Last Year and Discount Last Year fields.

2) Print 1099 Forms *

A 1099 will be printed for each vendor that has a Federal ID entered on the Vendor Maintenance (Tax Info tab). The value printed can be specified as either the Vendor’s Payment YTD or the Vendor’s Payments Last Year at the time the 1099s are generated. The choice between using the Vendor’s Payments YTD or Payments Last Year is based upon the execution of the A/P Year End Procedure. Please review the A/P Year End Procedure above.

– Vendor

– A/P Reports

– Other A/P Reports

– 1099 Forms (?)

Magnetic media is available for the 1099 report. You may choose to run a test, correction or original magnetic media report. You may create 1099 records by state and submit records through an agent. The “Use Last Yr’s Payment Records” option has been added to this report. Two additional files are used to track information for 1099 reporting: (1) the state file tracks state abbreviation postal code, minimal payment and magnetic media participation information and (2) the apparms file (1099 parameters) tracks the payer name control, TIN name, transmitter name, transmitter control code, transmitter address, and transmitter agent name and address.

3) Vend/Item and Cust/Item YTD *

This utility will reset the fields in the Vendor/Item Cross Reference (venditem) and the Customer/Item Cross Reference (custitem) fields to zero. The Vendor/Item fields reset are Ordered YTD, Received YTD, Rejected YTD, Avg Cost, Avg Lead Time, Avg Lateness, Avg Cost/Plan %, and Last Cost/Plan %. The Customer/Item fields reset are Purchases YTD, Ordered YTD, Shipped YTD, and Ordered PTD.

– Vendor

– Vendor Inquiry (or Vendor Maintenance)

– Utilities

– Purchasing Utilities

– Vend/Item and Cust/Item YTD (util/cvitem-y.p)

NOTE: This utility is located in both the Customer and Vendor modules but only needs to be run once.



The following is a list of procedures by module which need to be performed periodically and may be convenient to run at Year End. Most of these procedures will delete information from the database. Once the data is purged, you will not be able to view or restore it. Depending on your company’s policy, you should keep a couple years of data for audit purposes. You can also archive the database (copy of the database) before you purge the data so you can access the information as needed. If you delete data, you should consider optimizing your database to relocate the disk space.


CUSTOMER (Order Entry and Accounts Receivable)

1) Delete History Orders

This utility will delete all Customer Orders with a status of History for the specified range.

2) Purge Packing Slip Register

This utility deletes records from the Packing Slip register. The Customer Order must have a status of Complete or History before the records are purged.

3) Purge Invoice History

This utility deletes records from the invoice history file posted. If the “Delete Line Items Only” option is set to Yes, only the invoice line item and progressive billing line items are deleted. If this option is set to NO, invoice header and tax records will also be deleted.

4) Delete A/R Posted Transactions

This utility deletes records from the A/R posted transaction file. You should run the Customer Statement before running this utility. For balance forward customers, it deletes all invoices up to the amount of the payment available and generates a balance forward entry for the first partially paid off amount. For open item customers, it deletes all fully paid invoices. Once the records are deleted, you lose the capability to review the details.


EMPLOYEE (Payroll)

5) Delete Posted Payroll Transactions

This utility will delete records from the posted payroll file (prtrxp) for the date range specified. This utility should only be run AFTER printing W2’s and year-end payroll reports. You need to verify that the W2’s printed properly and the information on the W2’s is correct prior to performing this utility. Once this utility is performed, the records needed for the W2’s are purged. Therefore, running this utility prior to printing W2’s will result in either no information or incorrect information on the W2’s.


FINANCIAL (General Ledger)

6) Compress General Ledger Transactions

This utility deletes records from the General Ledger Posted transaction field. You should backup your database before performing this utility since transaction detail is lost. A financial summary is retained for each account depending on the “Compress by” option. If the “Compress by” option is set to D (Date), all transactions with the same date are compressed to 1 transaction for the selected accounts or reporting units. If the “Compress by” option is set to P (Period), all transactions in the same accounting period are compressed to 1 transaction for the selected accounts or reporting units. The date for the new transaction will be set to the period end date.

NOTE: General Ledger Transacions with a reference of “Income Summary” are never compressed.


MATERIAL (Inventory)

7) Delete Material Transactions

This utility deletes material transactions records which is the audit trail for your inventory transactions (any changes to the quantity on hand or cost of the item). Once the records are deleted, you lose the capability to review the details. When a material transaction is deleted, reference to that transaction from any ledger or journal transactions will be cleared. If you try to view the detail on a ledger or journal previously referenced to the deleted material transaction, SyteLine will display a message that the record is not available.

8) Roll Current Cost to Standard Cost (only if using Standard Costing)

This utility creates or updates the Standard Routing/BOM for standard costed items. It also creates a material transaction and journal entries to reflect the change in inventory value at each stockroom location (journal transactions have a reference of INV STDC).

NOTE: The “Post Change” option must be Yes to post the changes. You can run this utility with the “Post Change” option set to No so you can review the report and verify the changes before posting.


PRODUCTION (Shop Floor Control)

9) Job Status Change/Delete Utility

This utility changes the job status for a valid combination (see on-line help for the various combinations). You can also delete jobs with a status of “History.

10) Delete Job Transactions

This utility deletes job transactions (jobtran) records which is the audit trail for your labor transactions (Job, Production Schedule, JIT and Work Center). Once the records are deleted, you lose the capability to review the details.

11) Review M-Day and Holiday Calendars

You might need to change the MDAY start and end fields on the Planning Parameters screen to create the new mday records for the next year. You will need to manually add the Holiday records for the next year.


VENDOR (Purchasing and Accounts Payable)

12) Delete Purchase Orders

This utility deletes all Puchase Orders with a status of History. If the PO has a current Change Order with a status of Open or Final, it will not be deleted.

13) Purge Voucher History

This utility deletes records from the voucher history file. All vouchers prior to the specified Invoice Date and less than the specified Voucher Number are selected. Voucher headers associated with unposted AP transactions or a Purchase Orders with a status of Planned or Ordered will not be purged.

14) Delete A/P Posted Transactions

This utility deletes records from the A/P posted transactions for all fully paid vouchers. Once the records are deleted, you lose the capability to review the details.


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