
Archive for February 24th, 2008

Applying Open Credit and Debit

February 24th, 2008 2 comments

Open Credits and Debits

Any credit memo created in SyteLine from a credit return or price adjustment invoice will automatically be created as an open credit.  Debit memos created by price adjustment will also be open.  Only when creating a credit or debit through AR you are given the opportunity to dictate which posted invoice the transaction is to be applied to at the time of creation.

To “clear up” open credits, debits and payments in Accounts Receivable Posted Transactions the open items must be applied to one or more invoices.  Credit memos and debit memos cannot be selected for payment and therefore can remain on an aging report as an open balance causing some amount of trouble in reporting as well as causing aging reports and other reports to take longer to run.

The reapplication process for each transaction type will be addressed individually.

Credit and Debit Memos – One to one

To reapply a credit or debit memo to a single invoice navigate to the AR Posted transactions screen and follow these steps.  Prior to doing the steps for reapplication review the transactions for the customer and determine in advance where you want to apply the credits.

  • Put focus (cursor) on the credit/debit memo to be applied.
  • View the detail for this transaction.  Depending upon the version you are running this may be a check box, double click, or tab.
  • In the field labeled Invoice enter the invoice number this credit is to be applied to.
  • Save.

If you have an open credit and an open debit for the same absolute amount apply them to the same invoice.  If you want these items to drop off your aging immediately apply them to a paid invoice.  Providing the debit and credit are for the same absolute amount the net change to the value of the invoice will be zero.

Credit Memos and Open Payments – Applied to Multiple Invoices

In the case where there is one credit memo that needs to be spread over multiple invoices or if only a portion of a credit memo is to be applied to an invoice follow these steps.

  • Navigate to A/R Posted Transactions.
  • Put focus on the target credit.  Note the number appearing for this transaction in the Chk/Ref column.
  • Navigate to Customer Payments.  Enter a payment for the customer under discussion.  In the Check Number field enter the Chk/Ref number you just looked up.
  • SyteLine should give you a display in the Description field that says Reapplication of Open Credit.
  • Be aware the date that SyteLine returns will be the date the open credit was created.  This date should be overridden and changed to the current date in order to keep historical aging reports accurate.
  • Apply the credit as if it was a check, using all standards and procedures you have in place for AR cash receipts.
  • You can leave an open remainder if desired.

Removing or hiding applied items

Once all of the open credits, debits and payments have been applied to the appropriate invoices you may want to have them drop off your aging and posted transaction screen.  This can be accomplished by running either Activate/Deactivate Posted Transactions or Delete A/R Posted Transactions.