CRP Script
July 2nd, 2008
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- Set up parameter files
- Determine item structure for Item Master. Determine what will be inventory items and non-inventory items.
- Determine structure for Product Codes/Distribution Accounts.
- Set up master files
- Item Master
- Purchasing information
- Manufacturing information
- Costing information
- Engineering information
- Sales information
- Product Codes/Distribution Accounts
- Warehouse Master
- Stock Locations
- Nettable/non-nettable
- Temporary/permanent
- Reason Codes for miscellaneous inventory transactions
- Set up Customer/Item and Vendor/Item Cross References
- Determine valid item/stockroom locations for each inventory item & ranking
- Determine use of lot tracking and/or serial tracking
- Determine use of item reservations
- Procedures to be considered and tested, including how-to, responsibility, frequency, reporting requirements:
- Item maintenance, including BOMs
- Product Code/Distribution Accounts maintenance
- Warehouse orders and transfers
- Use of miscellaneous inventory transactions
- Cycle count
- Physical inventory
- Periodic procedures and utilities
- Rebalance utilities
- Cost roll-ups
- Roll current unit cost to standard unit cost
- Delete transactions/locations/lots/serial numbers
- Set item PTD and YTD totals to zero
- Procedures to be considered and tested, including how-to, responsibility, frequency, reporting requirements:
- Item Master
- Determine reports and/or documentation to be used for all procedures – SyteLine and internal
- Establish guidelines for retention of documents and reports – printing hard copies or printing to the terminal
- Set up master files
- Work Centers – scheduling & costing information
- Machine Master
- Maintenance schedules
- Cells
- Create current routings and bills of material for manufactured items
- Perform BOM utilities to create standard routing/BOM
- Low Level Processor
- BOM Cost Roll-up
- Roll Current Unit Cost to Standard Unit Cost
- Procedures to be considered and tested, including how-to, responsibility, frequency, reporting requirements:
- BOM maintenance
- Periodic procedures and utilities
- Cost roll-ups
- Roll current unit cost to standard unit cost
- Delete utilities
- Substitutions
- Determine reports and/or documentation to be used for all procedures – SyteLine and internal
- Establish guidelines for retention of documents and reports – printing hard copies or printing to the terminal
- Set up codes
- Priority Codes
- Reason Codes
- Distribution Codes
- Procedures to be considered and tested, including how-to, responsibility, frequency, reporting requirements:
- Use of Engineering Change Notices for items, estimates, and/or jobs
- Guidelines for use
- Requests
- Flow of documentation through system
- Changes to
- Revision tracking
- Approval
- Use of Engineering Change Notices for items, estimates, and/or jobs
- Determine reports and/or documentation to be used for all procedures – SyteLine and internal
- Establish guidelines for retention of documents and reports – printing hard copies or printing to the terminal
- Set up parameter files
- Set up master files, creating examples of each possible type of record or situation that may occur
- Customer Master
- Ship-To Addresses
- Salesperson Master
- Billing Terms
- Ship Via Codes
- Shipping Return Reason Codes
- Customer Hold Reason Codes
- Set up Customer/Item cross-references
- Determine use of Drop Ship To’s
- Tax codes
- Determine requirements for reporting on sales tax collected
- Establish required tax codes
- Establish procedures for assessing sales tax on orders
- Pricing
- Review requirements
- Establish pricing by some combination of available methods
- Determine procedures for price changes
- Determine procedures for exceptions to existing pricing
- Determine procedures for new item pricing and/or modifications to items
- Procedures to be considered and tested, including how-to, responsibility, frequency, reporting requirements
- Customer Order Entry – steps
- Create order
- Print Order Verification
- Verify on-hand, available to ship
- Print Order Pick List
- Ship items
- Print Packing Slip
- Print Bill of Lading
- Invoice order
- Close order after invoicing
- Customer Order Entry – types of orders to consider
- Regular/blanket in stock
- Regular/blanket manufacture to order
- Regular/blanket conversions
- Regular/blanket spare parts
- Regular/blanket services
- Other
- Customer Order Entry – steps
CRP – ORDER ENTRY (contd.)
- Changes to existing orders
- Managing back orders – completing/not completing
- Expediting orders
- Progressive billing – use and management
- Stopping/re-releasing orders
- Order cancellations
- Shipping return procedures
- Use of RMAs to manage
- Flow of documentation through the system
- Notification to shipping department and customer service/accounting for credit to customer
- Perform shipping return
- Inspection of returned goods and return/not return to inventory
- Generation and control of credit memos
- Un-ship (prior to invoicing)
- Use of credit holds and credit limits
- Compliance and exceptions
- Changes to credit limit
- Order Inquiry handling by customer service
- Reserving inventory for orders
- Adjustments to price after invoicing
- Commissions
- Use of SyteLine commission structure or external
- Management of calculation
- Adjustments to
- Payment through AP or Payroll
- Routine utilities and procedures
- Closing orders
- Purge Customer Order Audit Trail
- Rebalance Customer Order/Posted Balance
- Balance History
- Period/Year end Procedures
- Delete and purge transactions
- Determine reports and/or documentation to be used at each step – SyteLine and internal
- Establish guidelines for retention of documents and reports – printing hard copies or printing to the terminal
- Set up parameter files
- Set up master files, creating examples of each possible type of record or situation that may occur
- Vendor Master and remit to vendors
- Billing Terms
- Ship Via Codes
- Drop Ship To’s
- Receiving Return Reason Codes
- Set up Vendor/Item cross-references
- Determine use of Drop Ship To’s
- Procedures to be considered and tested, including how-to, responsibility, frequency, reporting requirements
- Purchase Requisitions – if and for what items
- Purchase Order Entry – steps
- Create purchase order
- Verify cost
- Print Purchase Order
- Print purchasing Receiving List
- Receive items
- Close order after vouchering (AP)
- Procedures to be considered and tested, including how-to, responsibility, frequency, reporting requirements
- Purchase Order Entry – types to consider
- Regular/blanket for inventory stock items
- Regular/blanket for non-inventory items
- Regular/blanket Customer Orders – cross-reference or not
- Regular for Job Orders – cross-reference or not
- Regular for inter-company purchases
- Lot/serial controls on purchases
- Expediting Purchase Orders
- Canceling Purchase Orders
- Managing back orders – completing/not completing
- Receiving returns
- Use of RMAs to manage
- Flow of documentation through the system
- Notification to receiving department and accounting for credit from vendor
- Perform receiving return
- Un-receive (prior to vouchering)
- Use of PO Change Orders
- Determine use of Vendor Communications Log
- Routine utilities and procedures
- Closing Purchase Orders
- Closing Change Orders
- Review and update Purchased Current Unit Cost if vouchered cost does not equal received cost
- Purge Purchase Order Audit Trail
- Rebalance items
- Delete utilities
- Determine reports and documentation to be used – SyteLine and internal
- Determine how purchasing requirements will be determined – Purchase Requirements Report or MRP
- Determine if tax codes are to be used for purchasing
- Establish tax codes as required
- Establish procedures for assessing use tax
- Determine reporting requirements for use tax on purchases
- Set up parameter files
- Set up master files, creating examples of each possible type of record or situation that may occur
- Vendor Master and remit to vendors
- Salesperson Master
- Billing Terms
- Ship Via Codes
- State Master
- Vendor Payment Hold Reason Codes
- Bank Codes
- Set up Vendor/Item Cross-references
- Establish tax codes as required
- Establish procedures for assessing use tax
- Determine reporting requirements for use tax on purchases
- Procedures to be considered and tested, including how-to, responsibility, frequency, reporting requirements
- Vouchering
- From purchasing
- Manually through Vouchers & Adjustments
- Generating recurring vouchers
- Distributing manual and recurring vouchers
- Voucher Adjustments
- From purchasing returns
- Manually through Vouchers & Adjustments
- Distributing voucher adjustments
- Payment processing
- Manual check posting
- Generation of standard checks
- Manual addition of standard checks
- Selection of check distributions
- Check printing and posting
- Void checks prior to posting and after posting
- Putting vendors and/or vouchers on hold
- Use of Vendor Communications Log
- Routine utilities and procedures
- Year end procedure
- Delete transactions
- Deactivate posted transactions
- Generate currency gains/losses
- Purge Vendor Master Audit Trail
- Vouchering
- Determine reports and documentation to be used – SyteLine and internal
- Establish procedures for retention of documents and reports – printing hard copies or printing to the terminal
Accounts Payable Cut-Over Procedures:
- Order checks
- Set up recurring vouchers
- Enter all AP open vouchers at cut-over date into Vouchers & Adjustments (this includes those items vouchered in the existing system – i.e. already recorded in general ledger on the existing system)
- Enter all AP open payments, if any, such as an un-applied deposit on a vendor’s account at cut-over date into Payments
- Post Vouchers & Adjustments and Payments files to AP Distribution Journal
- Purge AP Dist. of all transactions
- Print AP Aging. Verify vendor balances to AP Aging on existing system.
- Enter outstanding checks into Bank Reconciliation file
- Set up parameter files
- Set up master files, creating examples of each possible type of record or situation that may occur
- Customer Master
- Ship-To Addresses
- Salesperson Master
- Billing Terms
- Ship Via Codes
- Bank Codes
- Establish tax codes as required
- Determine requirements for reporting on sales tax collected
- Establish procedures for assessing sales tax on orders
- Procedures to be considered and tested, including how-to, responsibility, frequency, reporting requirements
- Invoices, debit memos, and credit memos
- Generate from Order Entry
- Price Adjustments generated in Order Entry
- Create and print from Accounts Receivable
- Uses for AR invoices, debits, and credits
- Distributing AR invoices, debits, and credits
- Invoice posting
- Transactions review
- Payments
- Distributions to invoices
- Prepayments tied to Customer Orders
- Open payments
- Non-AR payments
- Payment posting
- Re-application of open payments
- Re-application of open credits and debits
- Add bank deposits to Bank Reconciliation file
- Process finance charges
- Review posted transactions for open transactions
- Collections, statements, dunning letters
- Use of Customer Communications Log
- Invoices, debit memos, and credit memos
- Routine utilities and procedures
- Rebalance Customer Order/Posted Balance
- Balance History
- Period/Year end Procedures
- Delete and purge transactions
- Deactivate Posted Transactions
- Purge Customer Audit Trail
- Generate Currency Gains/Losses
- Determine reports and/or documentation to be used – SyteLine and internal
- Establish procedures for retention of documents and reports – printing hard copies or printing to the terminal
Accounts Receivable Cut-Over Procedures:
- Order invoices and statements
- Enter all AR open invoices at cut-over date into Invoices, Debits, & Credits screen (this includes those items invoiced in the existing system – i.e. already recorded in general ledger on the existing system)
- Enter all AR open payments, if any, such as an un-applied deposit on a customer’s account at cut-over date into Payments
- Post Invoices, Debits & Credits and Payments files to AR Distribution Journal
- Purge AR Dist. of all transactions
- Print AR Aging. Verify customer balances to AR Aging on existing system.
- Enter deposits in transit into Bank Reconciliation file
- Establish Chart of Accounts
- Set up parameter files
- Determine financial reporting requirements
- Determine use of Budgets and Plans
- Set up accounting periods
- Procedures to be considered and tested, including how-to, responsibility, frequency, reporting requirements
- Posting journals
- Standard entries and recurring journals for those entries
- Correcting journal entries
- Creation and generation of financial statements
- Using Bank Reconciliation
- Periodic procedures and utilities
- Updating accounting period
- Maintaining budgets and plans
- Maintaining chart of accounts
- Year-end closing
- Account analysis
- Determine reports and/or documentation to be used – SyteLine and internal
- Establish procedures for retention of documents and reports – printing hard copies or printing to the terminal
- Procedures to be considered and tested, including how-to, responsibility, frequency, reporting requirements
General Ledger Cut-Over Procedures:
- Enter accounting periods for current year and other years, as applicable
- Enter net monthly GL account balances into a Balances journal for the current YTD and prior year, if applicable (this includes those items posted in the existing system – i.e. already recorded in general ledger on the existing system)
- Load budgets and plans
- Post Balances journal
- Reconcile posted GL balances to current system
- Set up parameter files
- Set up master files
- Shop Calendars
- Holidays
- Employees
- Procedures to be considered and tested, including how-to, responsibility, frequency, reporting requirements
- Determine how manufacturing requirements will be determined – Purchase Requirements Report or MRP
- Job cycle – steps
- Create job and copy item routing/BOM
- Modify job routing/BOM
- Release job
- Job paperwork and dispatch list
- Post transactions through backflushing or transaction entry
- Lot controlled items on jobs
- Job analysis
- Close job
- Lot/serial tracking finished goods
- Job cycle – types
- Manufacture to stock
- Manufacture cross-referenced to Customer Order
- Production schedule cycle – steps
- Create production schedule and copy item routing/BOM
- Modify PS routing/BOM
- Set up PS releases
- Paperwork and dispatch
- Issue material to floorstock locations as appropriate
- Report production to work centers
- Report complete production
- Run end of period costing procedure
- Review variances
- Modifying job/production schedule routing/BOM
- Determine use of backflushing and/or manual reporting
- Cross-referencing Purchase Orders
- Job splitting
- Job merging
- Stopping jobs/production schedules
- Canceling jobs/production schedules
- Set up parameter files
- Set up master files
- Departments
- Shop Calendars
- Holidays
- Work Centers – Scheduling & Costing
- Cells
- Machine
- Machine Maintenance
- Determine scheduling methods – finite/infinite, backward/forward, move, queue
- Determine scheduling method for each Work Center
- Determine how to use scheduling priorities
- Procedures to be considered and tested, including how-to, responsibility, frequency, reporting requirements
- Use outputs to review Work Center capacity
- Analyze job schedules and production schedules in terms of load on Work Center capacity
- Use outputs to review Work Center capacity
- Procedures to be considered and tested, including how-to, responsibility, frequency, reporting requirements
- Use global priority setting and scheduling methods
- Use individual priority setting and scheduling methods
- Determine costing method(s) to be used
- Set up parameter files
- Procedures to be considered and tested, including how-to, responsibility, frequency, reporting requirements
- Determine cost type & method by item
- Overhead rates
- Basis – material, labor, machine
- Valuation
- Changes
- Routine evaluation
- Work Center costing
- Labor and machine rates
- Efficiency
- Crew size
- Period based accounts setup
- Changes at Work Center
- Changes to Job/Production Schedule routing
- Routine evaluation
- Employee Labor Rates
- Valuation determination
- Changes
- Routine evaluation
- Determine Current Unit Cost for purchased and manufactured items
- Roll Current Unit Cost to Standard Unit Cost for standard cost items
- Costing method changes to existing items, new items
- Item cost reviews (cost comparison)
- Product Code account determinations
- Maintenance of BOM costs
- Review of and utilities to update
- Scrap factor determination
- Purchase costing review
- Differences in Purchase Order Plan Cost and Item Cost
- Update of Purchased Current Unit Cost for vouchered cost
- Freight cost analysis
- Capitalization of landed costs
- Job cost analysis
- Period based costing analysis
- Review of material transactions
- Procedures to be considered and tested, including how-to, responsibility, frequency, reporting requirements
CRP – COSTING (contd.)
- Review of journal entries
- Purchasing variances
- Non-inventory item costs
- Job costing variances
- Period based costing variances
- Sales and cost of sales
- General Ledger analysis
- Budget vs. Actual
- Current vs. Prior Year
- Departments
- MRP Logic – methodology
- Forecasting – data requirements
- MPS – schedule, controls
- Rough Cut Capacity Planning – capabilities, process
- MRP Detail Information – ownership
- MRP “Firm” Planned Orders – process, paperwork
- Exception Messages – priority, control, paperwork
- Regeneration vs. Net Change – when, how, who
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