
Archive for October 22nd, 2013

Sample way of constructing email body and subject in Event system

October 22nd, 2013 No comments

Below are some sample ways of constructing email body in Syteline event system. 

BODY( SUBSTITUTE(“We have a new customer. Please see customer number {0} for customer: {1}.”, FP(“custNum”), FP(“custName”) ) )

BODY( IF( P(“POCost”) > 10000, GC(StdApprovalMessageBody), GC(StdRejectionMessageBody) ) )

BODY( FILECONTENTS(“X:\SL\Event\Message\Body\myPreparedMessage.txt”) )

BODY( FILECONTENTS(“X:\SL\Event\Message\Body\” + IDO() + EVENTNAME() “.txt”) )

BODY( DBFUNCTION( “MsgBodyFunction”, EVENTNAME(), IDO(), P(“RowPointer”) ) )

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