1) Setup Tax Parameter, enter your own company’s Tax ID.
![clip_image002[7] clip_image002[7]](http://www.sytelinemaster.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/clip_image0027_thumb.gif)
2) In your Tax System setup, make sure the Tax ID Prompt Location set to included Vendor (Vendor or Both).
![clip_image004[5] clip_image004[5]](http://www.sytelinemaster.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/clip_image0045_thumb.gif)
3) In Accounts Payable Parameters, under 1099 tab, enter your company information. These are info will be print on your 1099 form.
![clip_image006[5] clip_image006[5]](http://www.sytelinemaster.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/clip_image0065_thumb.gif)
4) Now, for each vendor that you need to send 1099, enter their Tax ID.
![clip_image008[5] clip_image008[5]](http://www.sytelinemaster.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/clip_image0085_thumb.gif)
5) Part of your year end procedure, you should run the “Rebalance Vendor Payment History” utility.
![clip_image010[5] clip_image010[5]](http://www.sytelinemaster.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/clip_image0105_thumb.gif)
This will update the Payment History tab on your Vendors form.
![clip_image012[5] clip_image012[5]](http://www.sytelinemaster.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/clip_image0125_thumb.gif)
6) Now you are ready to print the 1099 form.
![clip_image014[5] clip_image014[5]](http://www.sytelinemaster.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/clip_image0145_thumb.gif)
In Syteline 9, there is one significant database schema change. All major tables like item are replaced with a view and _mst table. There are some context variables need to be set, before you can run query against to the views. Otherwise query to the view will return no data. And here is the variable declaration, with sample query after that.
SET @Br = ‘SiteName’’
SET @Context = @Br
SET @BinVar = CONVERT (VARBINARY(128), @Context)
select co.slsman,co.co_num,co.type, co.order_date, coitem.co_line, coitem.item, coitem.qty_ordered_conv,coitem.price_conv,co.exch_rate
, ca.name, coitem.qty_ordered_conv * coitem.price_conv ‘Amount’, coitem.co_release
from coitem
join co on co.co_num = coitem.co_num
left join custaddr ca on ca.cust_num = co.cust_num and ca.cust_seq = co.cust_seq
where isnull(co.slsman,”) = ”
Update 2/10/2015
You may now just call this Sp.
DECLARE @Infobar InfobarType;
EXEC [dbo].[SetSiteSp] ‘CCSSL’, @Infobar OUTPUT
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