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Schema fields relating to item master cost fields



Cost Type: item.cost

Cost Method: item.cost-method

(Standard) Unit Cost: item.unit-cost

Current Unit Cost: item.cur-u-cost


  • The Cost Type can be either Actual or Standard with the stored value being "A" or "S".

  • The Cost Method and the associated field values can be (L)IFO, (F)IFO, (A)verage, (S)pecific, (C)Standard.

  • The label and usage of the Unit Cost field varies depending on the item’s Cost Type and Method. If the item is standard-costed, the label "Standard Unit Cost". Otherwise, it is just "Unit Cost". Usage of the field is the following:

  1. Standard cost if the item’s Cost Type is Standard

  2. Average cost if the item is Actual/Average

  3. Cost at the top of the stack (next issue cost) if Actual/FIFO

  4. Cost at the bottom of the stack if Actual/LIFO

  5. Last receipt cost if Actual/Specific

  6. This field is primarily informational if Actual with LIFO, FIFO or Specific as the actual cost data used when for the item is stored in the LIFO/FIFO stacks or the item’s locations (or lots) if the item is Specific.

  • The Current Unit Cost is used as follows:

    1. For purchased items: Holds the Purchased Current Unit Cost fields from the Cost Maintenance screen. That can be manually entered and may be updated by PO receiving (depending on how the Update Current Cost PO parameter is set).

    2. For manufactured items: Holds the Manufactured Current Unit Cost from the Cost Maintenance screen. That is the unit cost for the item as calculated based on it’s current routing and BOM. Updated when you run the BOM Cost Rollup or do maintenance to the item’s current routing/BOM.


Assembly column:

Setup: item.asm-setup

Run: item.asm-run

Material: item.asm-matl

Tool: item.asm-tool

Fixture: item.asm-fixture

Other: item.asm-other

Fixed: item.asm-fixed

Variable: item.asm-var

Outside: item.asm-outside

Accumulated column:

Setup: item.comp-setup

Run: item.comp-run

Material: item.comp-matl

Tool: item.comp-tool

Fixture: item.comp-fixture

Other: item.comp-other

Fixed: item.comp-fixed

Variable: item.comp-var

Outside: item.comp-outside

Unit Costs area:

Current Unit Cost: item.cur-u-cost (same as on I/M general screen)

(Standard) Unit Cost: item.unit-cost (same as on I/M general screen)

Cost Totals area:

Subtotal: Calculated as the sum of the assembly column

Material Subtotal: item.sub-matl

Assembly Total: Calculated as Subtotal plus Material Subtotal

Accumulated Total: Calculated as the total of the Accumulated column


  • The ASSEMBLY column is the cost of the item’s current operations and of purchased materials in its current BOM.

  • The ACCUMULATED columns is the ASSEMBLY values plus the cost of any manufactured items which exists in the item’s current BOM.

  • The BOM Cost Rollup rolls costs from the bottom of your indented BOMs up and populates these columns.

  • They are updated on-the-fly when you make manual changes to the item’s current routing and BOM. Those updates just reflect the changes you are making. If lower level items’ costs change, you must run the BOM Cost Rollup to have those changes rolled up into parent items.

  • The ECN posting process does not change these costs on-the-fly. Those changes are not reflected until the BOM Cost Rollup is run.

  • For purchased items, the cost being rolled from that item up into its parent items is also put into the Material row of both columns of this screen when you run the BOM Cost Rollup. That will be the item’s Purchased Current Unit Cost if it is an actual-costed item or if it is standard-costed and you answer No to the "Use Std Cost for Purchased Items" option. It will be the item’s standard cost if you answer Yes to that option.


Unit Cost area:

Material Cost: item.matl-cost

Material: item.unit-mat-cost

Freight: item.unit-freight-cost

Duty: item.unit-duty-cost

Brokerage: item.unit-brokerage-cost

Labor Cost: item.lbr-cost

Fix Ovhd Cost: item.fovhd-cost

Var Ovhd Cost: item.vovhd-cost

Outside Cost: item.out-cost

Total Unit Cost: item.unit-cost (same as on I/M General screen)

Manufactured Current Unit Cost area:

Cur Material Cost: item.cur-matl-cost

Cur Labor Cost: item.cur-lbr-cost

Cur Fix Ovhd Cost: item.cur-fovhd-cost

Cur Var Ovhd Cost: item.cur-vovhd-cost

Cur Outside Cost: item.cur-out-cost

Cur Unit Cost: Calculated as sum of the above fields

Purchased Current Unit Cost area:

Material: cur-mat-cost

Freight: cur-freight-cost

Duty: cur-duty-cost

Brokerage: cur-brokerage-cost

Cur Unit Cost: Calculated as sum of the above fields


  • The unit-*-cost fields under Material Cost will only be filled if the item is purchased with Cost Type of Standard.

  • The item’s Current Unit Cost on the general screen (item.cur-u-cost) will hold either the sum of the Purchased Current Unit Cost fields if the item has a Source of Purchased or Transferred, or the Manufactured Current Unit Cost fields if the Source is Manufactured.

  • The Purchased Current Unit Cost is updated when you process a PO receipt if the "Update Current Cost" PO parameter is set to Last or Average.

  • The Manufactured Current Unit Cost is populated by the BOM Cost Rollup utility and is updated on-the-fly when you make manual changes to the item’s current routing or BOM.

  • For Standard-costed items, the Unit Cost can only be manually changed if the item has zero on hand and has no transactions in the material transaction table. Otherwise, it can only be changed by running the Roll Current Cost to Std Cost utility.

  • For Actual-costed items, the Unit Cost can only be updated if it has a Cost Method of Average since that is where the item’s average cost is stored. If the item is LIFO, FIFO or Specific costed, the item’s cost data is stored in other tables and this field can not be updated since it is informational only.


Current column:

The "item.comp-" fields listed above as being on the Cost Detail tab are displayed in the Current column of this screen. The Total is calculated by the program.

Standard column:

Setup: frzcost.comp-setup

Run: frzcost.comp-run

Material: frzcost.comp-matl

Tool: frzcost.comp-tool

Fixture: frzcost.comp-fixture

Other: frzcost.comp-other

Fixed: frzcost.comp-fixed

Variable: frzcost.comp-var

Outside: frzcost.comp-outside

Total: Calculated by the program

Unit Costs area:

Current Unit Cost: item.cur-u-cost (same as on I/M general screen)

(Standard) Unit Cost: item.unit-cost (same as on I/M general screen)

Effective Dates:

Current: job.rollup-date

Standard: frzcost.freeze-date


  • An frzcost record is created when you run the Roll Current Cost to Std Cost utility for an item.

  • The rollup-date is from the item’s current job and is the last time the BOM Cost Rollup processed the item. When you first add a current operation for an item, the system creates a behind-the-scenes job record to which to link the item’s current routing and BOM. That rollup-date is updated each time the BOM Cost Rollup is run.

  • The freeze-date is from the frzcost record and is the last time the Roll Current Cost to Std Cost utility was run for the item.


Assembly column:

The fields shown are all of the fields that begin "asm-" found in the frzcost table.

Accumulated column:

The fields shown are all of the fields that begin "comp-" found in the frzcost table.

Unit Costs area:

Current Unit Cost: item.cur-u-cost (same as on I/M general screen)

(Standard) Unit Cost: item.unit-cost (same as on I/M general screen)

Effective Dates:

Current: job.rollup-date

Standard: frzcost.freeze-date

Cost Totals area:

Subtotal: Calculated as sum of the frzcost.asm-* fields

Material Subtotal: frzcost.sum-matl

Assembly Total: Calculated as sum of Assembly column plus the Material Subtotal

Accumulated Total: Calculated as sum of Accumulated column


  • The rollup-date which is from the item’s standard job. When you run the Roll Current Cost to Std Cost utility, the system creates a standard job. The rollup-date in the standard job is set to the rollup date in the current job and represents the last time the BOM Cost Rollup utility processed the item before Roll Current Cost to Std Cost was run.

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