Read the cover letter, highlights forms that have been modified, and Sps that have EXTGEN on.
For EXTGEN SPs, will need to manually apply the new changes.
For modified Forms, make a backup of the Form scripts use FormSync.
Apply the patch to unused configuration, such as Demo.
Merge the new vendor version of form from Demo to target configuration, form by form.
Start FormSync with
Filter with single form.
Do not apply change to any other objects. 
Keep other object unchanged.

Remember to uncheck all the filters here.
Run Synchronization
Test the newly merged, modified form. May need to work out conflict if there is any.
SOLUTION #1 – This is to be used if you are UPGRADING from a previous SL7.0x version, and applying a Service Pack. This is NOT to be used if you are ONLY applying a Service Pack to the same SL7 version.
Before you begin the upgrade, please review your Client Configuration Names go to Start>Programs>MAPICS>Tools>Client Configuration Manager. The Syteline Client Configuration names will be listed on the left. Each Syteline Client Configuration consists of xxxx_app and xxxx_forms ( see your Syteline Client Configuration Manager for the names of your databases)
**Always make a back up of your xxx_app and xxx_forms database prior to executing any Service Pack or Upgrade so that you have a restore point to go back to if you run into problems.
In this example the Syteline Client Configuration name prior to applying the Service Pack is called "Live". This Syteline ‘Live’ Configuration consists of Live_App and Live_Forms databases.
1. Uninstall your current version of SL7.0x
2. Install the new version of SL7.0x
3. To prepare for FormSync create a SQL backup of Live_forms database and restore the back up as the name temp_forms
4. Execute the SyteLine Configuration Wizard on the Utility Server and create a new temporary Client Configuration called "SP#Temp". (for example if you are installing SP09 for SL 7.03 then the naming convention of the configuration would be named ‘SP09Temp‘). This new configuration will consists of Live_app and temp_forms databases respectively.
5. Run the Upgrade – to affect all configurations.
6. Apply the Service Pack to the "SP#Temp" configuration, but do NOT apply the Service Pack to "Live".
7. So far Live_app and temp_forms have been upgraded and service packed, but Live_forms has only been upgraded, not Service Packed.
8. At this point you have a choice. You can either create a brand new Forms database and use the SyteLine Configuration Wizard to connect that forms db to the SP#Temp configuration, or you can proceed with the upgraded SP#Temp configuration as it is. In theory they should both now contain all the new Vendor level forms and objects. If you want to avoid any doubts of getting only the latest vendor versions of objects however, the safest option would be to create a brand new forms db.
Now you are ready to run FormSync.
Select the SOURCE: SP#Temp configuration (temp_forms db or brand new forms db)
Select the TARGET: Live configuration (live_forms db)
Click Synchronize.
EXAMPLE: SL 8.00.00 apply Service Pack 10
Source = SL8.00.10 forms database created after SP10 was applied to the Database Server (new forms database)
Target = SL8.00.00 – This is the live forms database that you have all our customizations located in (old forms database)
Notice, you NEVER apply the service pack to the "Live" configuration and therefore the live_forms database was never service packed in this process. FormSync applied the changes to Live_forms database. You can now run the "Live" configuration at the new service pack level.
To Verify the version of a Syteline Database
There is a table named ProductVersion that is updated when the Service Pack is applied. Open each database (app and forms) and select Tables, on the right hand window find the ProductVersion table. Right click on the ProductVersion table and select Open Table>Return all Rows. The version listed should match the service pack level you just installed.
See Related Primus:
Form Sync Utility – Newest Version
FAQ – Form Sync
Form Sync Utility Configurations on two Servers
In Formsync under OPTIONS there are settings for handling form customizations and then a different setting for Global objects. It is important when doing a formsync to consider the options chosen for Global objects. Global objects include any scripts used on a form, PropertyClassExtentions, ComponentClasses, Validators, Variables and Strings. If you have made a change to any of these global objects they can affect more than just one form, so the choice to either keep or remove customizations in any global objects is VERY important. Wherever possible try to avoid making changes to standard SL scripts. Scripts can NOT be merged by formsync. You either have to accept the Vendor changes (and thereby remove all your customizations to the script) or you keep your version of the script and lose all the bug fixes that went into the vendor version of the script. As a rule, changing standard Global objects in Syteline is not recommended. If you must change a global object, then rather create a NEW global object with a copy of the original, and make changes to that. For instance, instead of making changes to the standard script named ‘EnableDisable’, rather copy the script, make your changes and name it ‘EnableDisable_mycompanyname’. Often you can accomplish the same things through Events and inline scripts or Events calling a custom stored procedure from a form using the SP! method.
Form Sync when Forms databases reside on two separate SQL Servers
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