Customer amounts will be stored in the customer’s currency. This effects CO, Estimating, and AR.
Vendor amounts will be stored in the vendor’s currency. This effects PO and AP.
Cash accounts in Bank Reconciliation may be stated in non-domestic currencies. When receiving customer payments or making vendor payments we may specify the payment with either domestic currency or the customer/vendor currency.
All journal. Ledger, inventory ( price & cost) and shop floor amounts are always stated in domestic currency.
NOTE: Therefore when amounts are posted into journals they are translated.
PO & AP:
Gain/Loss – When exchange rates increase over time (foreign currency per one unit of domestic currency), we record a gain and when exchange rates decrease, we record a loss.
Entry – PO header & line/release casts are entered and stored in the vendor’s currency. Whenever these amounts are defaulted from the Item master, they are converted using the current exchange rate.
Receiving – At receiving time, we record the amount received, cost, and exchange rate. We post domestic amounts to the journal using this exchange rate.
Account Numbers Posted (PO Dist):
Debit- Inventory account
Credit- Vouchers Payable
Generating Voucher (PO) & Posting Vouchers (AP) – When we create the voucher record, we store any change in exchange rate from Receiving time to voucher generation time as a distribution. The voucher is stored in the Vendor’s currency. When the Voucher is Posted, domestic amounts are posted to the journal and vendor amounts are put on the Posted Transactions record along with the exchange rate that was used for posting.
Account Numbers Posted (AP Dist):
Credit – Accounts Payable
Debit- Vouchers payable
Payment – Payments may be entered in either Domestic Amount or Vendor’s amount based upon the currency code of the Bank Code you select for the payment. When the payment is posted, domestic amounts get posted to the journal, and vendor amounts are put on the Posted Transaction record. At payment posting time, we perform a mini-gain/loss for the voucher and any payments or adjustments to that voucher. All of the Posted transactions tied to the voucher will be “upgraded” to the new exchange rate Account Numbers Posted (AP Dist):
Credit – Cash account (Payment Amt @ new rate)
Debit – Accounts Payable (Voucher Amt @ old rate)
Voucher’s Gain/Loss posted to either Loss (Debit) or Gain (Credit)
CO & AR:
Gain/Loss- When exchange rates decrease over time ( foreign currency per one unit of domestic currency), we record a gain and when exchange rates increase, we record a loss.
Entry- CO header and line prices are entered and stored in the customer’s currency. Whenever these
amounts are defaulted from the item master, they re converted using the current exchange rate.
Shipping- At shipping time, we record the amount shipped, price, and exchange rate. We post domestic amounts to the journal using this exchange rate.
Account Numbers Posted (CO Dist):
Debit – Cost of Good Sold
Credit – Inventory
Invoice Printing (CO) Posting (AR) – When we create the invoice record, we store any change in exchange rate from Shipping time to invoice printing time as a distribution. The invoice is stored in the Customer’s currency. When the Invoice is Posted, domestic amounts are posted to the journal and customer amounts are put on the Posted Transaction record along with the exchange rate that was used for posting.
Account Numbers Posted (AR Dist):
Credit – Sales (Invoice @ Old rate)
Debit – Accounts Receivable (Invoice @ new rate)
Payment – Payments may be entered in either Domestic Amount or Customer’s amount based upon the currency code of the Bank Code you select for the payment. When the payment is posted, domestic amounts get posted to the journal, and customer amounts are put on the Posted Transaction record. At payment time, we perform a mini-gain/loss for the invoice and any payments, debits or credits to that invoice. All of the Posted transactions tied to the invoice will be “upgraded: to the new exchange rate.
Account Number Posted (AR Dist):
Debit – Cash (Payment Amt @ new rate)
Credit _ Accounts Receivable ( Invoice Amt @ old rate)
Difference to currency Loss (Debit) or Gain Account (Credit)
Gain/Loss Utility
At various times, users may wish to recognize any outstanding Gains or Losses. They may run this utility and specify either AR,AP or both.
AR – We process all Posted A/R Transactions and upgrade them to the current exchange rate. For each invoice that has a gain or loss, we post the amount to Accounts Receivable and the Gain or Loss Account.
AP- We process all outstanding PO Receipts (received but not yet vouchered) and upgrade them to the current exchange rate. For each record that contains a gain or loss. We post the amount to Vouchers payable and the Gain or Loss Account.
We process all unposted vouchers and upgrade them to the current exchange rate. For each voucher that has a gain or loss, we post the amount to Vouchers Payable and the Gain or Loss Account.
Gain/Loss Accounts:
Users establish account records for Gains and Losses.
The Gain Account is always used to record gains due to exchange rate changes.
The Loss Account is always used to record losses due to exchange rate changes.
Currency Master:
SyteLine contains a currency master file where all currencies are maintained. Users may enter an unlimited number of date & time stamped currency exchange rates. They may also back-date these rates by entering a past date. There are two exchange rates entered. The Buying rate is used exclusively in PO and AP. The selling rate is used exclusively in CO, Estimating, and AR.
Financial Statements:
Users are able to print Financial Statements in different currencies. Prior to SYMIX 4.0, they could only accomplish this when they were consolidating multiple divisions. The “final” Financial statement would be printed in the currency of the division running the report. The exchange rates used to convert the data were the ones stored in the division running the report. Now in V 4.0, users can choose which currency they wish to print their financial statements in. The exchange rates used to print the report are the rates stored in the database that contains the ledger records being processed. The translations are for display purposed only. No posting of any kind takes place & no gain or loss is calculated.
Translations are defined for each line of the financial statement. Users choose to use the Buying or Selling Exchange rate. They choose a translation method: None ( no translation), Spot ( historic rate for each transaction), Current ( current exchange rate), Average Period ( weighted average exchange rate in effect for the accounting period for each transaction), End of Period ( exchange rate in effect at the end of the accounting period for each transaction)
The “Query” function in Syteline allows you to use multiple selection criteria to query transaction. The example below show you how to query manual transactions for inventory account in a given date range.
Open the “GL posted transaction query” form.
Click “Additional Criteria” tab.
In the first pull down list, select “Account”. In second pull down list, select “=”. Put in an account#, or select from pull down list in the last field, then click the “Add” button.
Select “Posted from”, let it “=” to General. That means we will only select transactions that is posted from “General Journal”, instead of normal inventory transactions that are posted from “IC Journal”. Then click the “Add” button.
Repeat the similar process for “Transaction date”, to give a date range. Once finished entering all the criteria, click the “Refesh” button. Transaction data should shows up.
Right click on left-upper corner of the grid, from the menu, select “To Excel”, you will then be able to export the data to Excel.
The similar query process will work on all the “Query” form.
If you will be dealing with customers or vendors who use currencies other than your base (domestic) currency, use the following process to set up exchange rates and other multi-currency features.
Make sure the general ledger accounts specific to currency exchange are set up in the Chart of Accounts:
Realized Gain
Realized Loss
Unrealized Gain
Unrealized Loss
A/R Unrealized Offset
A/P Unrealized Offset
V/P Unrealized Offset
If you are not using Unit Code 4 for anything else, you might want to set Unit Code 4 to Accessible for these accounts, and use it for reporting the foreign currency impact of the different currencies. If you do this, the currency codes must be entered for Unit Code 4. For information about setting up unit codes, see Account Unit Code (1-4).
Set up currency and exchange rate variance accounts for the domestic currency and the Euro on the Multi-Currency Parameters form, to help you track realized and unrealized gains and losses due to exchange rate changes. These accounts should match the ones you set up in step 1. During installation, you set up a Site Currency Code, which is the domestic currency code shown on this form.
Set up all other required currencies used by your vendors and customers in the Currency Codes form.For each currency code, the unrealized and realized G/L accounts specified on this form default to the accounts set up in the Multi-Currency Parameters form. You can also designate expenses by currency code if you use unit code 3 or 4.
Use the Currency Rates form to enter exchange rates between all currencies you set up in step 3 and the domestic currency.
Use the Bank Reconciliations form to set up bank codes and accounts to use with foreign currency customers and vendors. The bank reconciliation, attached to the bank code, maintains a record of all receipts and payments for each currency/bank code. If you will be recording A/R or A/P payments in foreign currencies, you should set up the foreign bank codes (with applicable currency codes) on the Bank Reconciliations form. Then you can include those foreign bank codes on customer and vendor records.
Use the Customers and Vendors forms to set up foreign currency customers and vendors.
If your system will share currency information between multiple sites, set up Replication Rules for the Shared Currency replication category.
Enter foreign currency customer orders and purchase orders. To see the amounts translated to your domestic currency, use the associated Domestic Currency forms.
Periodically, update the exchange rates and run the Currency Revaluation Utility. This utility uses the current exchange rate (from the Currency Rates form) to determine gains and losses due to currency fluctuations.
After Setup
Enter foreign currency customer orders and purchase orders. To see the amounts translated to your domestic currency, use the associated Domestic Currency forms.
Periodically, update the exchange rates and run the Currency Revaluation Utility. This utility uses the current exchange rate (from the Currency Rates form) to determine gains and losses due to currency fluctuations.
Occurs at data entry, before posting the AP journal to the GL while stating
Yes to compress journal before posting.
APA # Adjustment Transaction and Voucher Number
Occurs at data entry, before posting an adjustment to a vendor Invoice in
the AP program Enter Vouchers and Adjustments.
APP # Payment Transaction and vendor Number
Occurs at data entry, before posting an AP check that has been printed for Standard
payments or entered for Manual payments in the AP program Payments.
APRV # Recurring Voucher Transaction and Voucher Number
Occurs at data entry, before posting a recurring voucher from the Recurring Voucher
program to the Enter Vouchers and Adjustments program and the posting this file.
APV # Voucher Transaction and Voucher Number
Occurs at data entry, before posting a voucher to a specific vendor in the AP program
Enter Vouchers and Adjustments.
APX Multi-Currency Gain/Loss Transaction
Occurs when:
(1) The system has been setup for multi-currency in the system parameters program.
The Generate Currency Gains and Losses program has been performed using
Payables as the Accounts to Process option.
There have been different buying rates used for the specified currencies as found
in the accounting utilities menu.
Accounts Receivable Distribution Journal
AR Compressed AR Journal Transactions
Occurs at data entry, before posting the AR journal to the GL while stating Yes to Compress journal before posting.
ARC # Credit Memo Transaction and Invoice Number
Occurs at data entry, before posting a Credit Memo to a Customer’s Invoice in the AR program Invoices, Debit and Credit Memos.
ARC FIN CHG Credit Memo to Finance Charge Transaction
Occurs at data entry, before posting a Credit Memo to a previously created finance charge in the AR program Invoices, Debit, and Credit Memos.
ARC OPEN Open Credit Memo Transaction
Occurs at data entry, before posting a Credit Memo as open to a Customer in the AR program Invoices, Debit, and Credit Memos.
ARD # Debit Memo Transaction and Invoice Number
Occurs at data entry, before posting a debit memo to a previously created Invoice in the AR program Invoices, Debit, and Credit Memos.
ARD FIN CHG Debit Memo to Finance Charge Transaction
Occurs at data entry, before posting a debit memo and open to a Customer in the AR program Invoices, Debit, and Credit Memos.
ARD OPEN Open Debit Memo Transaction
Occurs at data entry, before posting a debit memo as open to a Customer in the AR program Invoices, Debit, and Credit Memos.
ARI # Invoice Transaction and Invoice Number
Occurs at data entry, before posting an Invoice to a Customer in the AR program Finance Charges.
Occurs when generating, then posting, a finance charge against a past due paying Customer in the AR program Finance Charges.
ARP # Payment Transaction and Check Number
Occurs at data entry, before posting a Customer’s check in the AR program Payments.
ARX Multi-Currency Gain/Loss Transaction
Occurs when:
(1) The system has been setup for multi-currency in the system parameters program.
(2) The Generate Currency Gains and Losses program has been performed using Receivables as the accounts to process option.
(3) There have been different buying rates used for the specified currencies as found in the accounting utilities menu.
Bank Revaluation Distribution Journal
ADJUSTMENT Multi-Currency Revaluation Transaction
Occurs when the Bank Revaluation Utility is performed and the result is a gain or
loss with a non-domestic customer or vendor.
Fixed Assets Distribution Journal
FA Compressed FA Journal Transaction
Occurs at data entry, before posting the FA journal to the GL while stating Yes to
Compress journal before posting.
FADEP # Depreciation Transaction and Asset Number
Occurs when depreciation of the assets has been generated, then posted, using the
FA program Post Depreciation.
FADSP # Asset Disposal Transaction and Asset Number
Occurs when an asset is disposed and subsequently posted in the FA program Dispose an Asset.
FAT # Asset Transfer Transaction and Asset Number
Occurs when an asset is transferred and subsequently posted in the FA program Transfer an Asset.
General Journal/User Defined Journal
Summary GL Year End Closing Expense/Revenue Transaction
Occurs when the GL year end utility has been performed to net out the previous year’s revenues and expenses with the difference applied to the user defined retained earnings account. Each revenue and expense account will display this transaction type as found in the accounting utility menu as GL Year End Procedure.
Closing GL Year End Closing Income Summary Transaction
Occurs when the GL year end utility has been performed which creates the prior year’s retained earnings as found in the accounting utility menu as GL Year End Procedure.
General Ledger
Summary Compressed GL Transactions by Date
Occurs when the Compress GL Transactions program has been performed to compress GL transactions using the Date option as found in the accounting utilities program.
Summary Compressed GL Transactions by Period
Occurs when the Compress GL Transactions program has been performed to compress GL transactions using the Period option as found in the accounting utilities menu.
Summary Occurs when an account is set up as D type (Allocation) in the Chart of Accounts.
Payroll Distribution Journal
PR Compressed PR Journal Transactions
Occurs at data entry, before posting the payroll journal to the GL while stating Yes to Compress Journal Before Posting.
PR # PR Number
Occurs when payroll has been generated, checks printed, and posted as found in the payroll program Payroll Processing using Transaction Print/Post.
Payroll Transaction and Date
Occurs when the payroll has been generated, checks printed and posted, as found in the payroll program Payroll Processing using Transaction Print/Post.
Customer Order Distribution Journal
CO Compressed CO Journal Transactions
Occurs at data entry, before posting the Order Entry journal to the GL while stating Yes to Compress Journal Before Posting.
INV CRT # Customer Order Return and Order/Line Number
Occurs when there has been a return against a previously shipped Customer Order in the Order Entry program Ship Transaction using the Manual Ship/Return option
INV CSH # Customer Order Shipment and Order/Line Number
Occurs when there has been a shipment against a Customer order in the order entry program Ship Transaction.
Inventory Control Distribution Journal
IC Compressed IC Journal Transactions
Occurs at data entry, before posting the INV journal to the GL while stating Yes to Compress journal before posting.
INV ACTC Inventory Update
Occurs when there has been an update or change to the inventory account used previously
to track the costs of the quantity on-hand to the GL. The change occurs in the inventory
program Stock Loc.
INV ADJ Inventory Adjustment
Occurs when there has been an adjustment to the quantity on-hand in the inventory program Adjust found in the Qty commands for Item stockroom locations.
INV CC-A Cycle Count Adjustment
Occurs when there is a different quantity entered in the Enter Cycle Count Qty versus the
cut-off quantity and then posted in the inventory cycle counting program Post Qty.
INV CHGM Change Item Cost Method
Occurs when the cost method in Item Maintenance has been changed which would revalue the inventory currently on-hand (i.e. from Specific to Average as found in Item Maintenance).
INV MISU Inventory Miscellaneous Issue
Occurs when there has been a miscellaneous issue from Inventory on-hand as found in the Inventory program Stock Loc using the Qty Commands for 1 Misc. Issue.
INV MOVE Inventory Move
Occurs when an Inventory quantity is moved from one location to another where the new location has a higher specific cost or has a different GL inventory account than the prior location as found in the Inventory program Stock Loc using the Qty Commands for Move.
INV MRCP Inventory Miscellaneous Receipt
Occurs when an inventory quantity is moved from one location to another where the new location has a higher specific cost or has a different GL inventory account than the prior location as found in the inventory program Stock Loc using the Qty Commands for Move.
INV PI-A Physical Inventory Adjustment
Occurs when the quantity posted in the physical inventory program is different from the quantity that was originally generated as found in the inventory utilities program Physical Inventory using the Financial/Inventory Posting.
INV SADJ Stack Adjustment
Occurs when the Manual LIFO/FIFO Adjustment utility has been run and has created a transaction to offset an incorrect entry of an issue or receipt.
INV STDC Inventory Roll Current to Standard Cost
Occurs when:
(1) The system has been set for standard costing in the system parameters.
(2) The inventory utility Roll Current cost to Standard Cost has been used to change the standard unit cost in Item Maintenance.
INV TADJ Multi-Warehouse Transfer Loss
Occurs when the inventory warehouse program Transfer Loss has been performed to enter a list or partially lost transfer order. Basically (qty shipped > qty received) as found in the inventory program Stock Loc using Transfers for Transfer Loss.
INV TMOV Multi-Warehouse Transfer between Warehouses
Occurs when performing a warehouse transfer of material where the GL account number of the new stocking location differs from the old stocking location as found in the inventory program Stock Loc using Transfers.
INV SMOV Multi-Site Transfer Order
Occurs when when your Site parameter “Posting Method” is set to “Intra-Entity”
INV DMOV Multi-Site Transfer Order
Here’s what I’ve figure out by looking at the code (I couldn’t find anything in the design document).
For either one of these references, you must be performing a Multi-Site Transfer Order (From Site not equal to To Site).
The journal transaction will appear in the To Site’s database.
The journal transaction is created at Receiving time when FOB Site = To Site.
The journal transaction is created at Shipping time when FOB Site = From Site.
The journal transaction will contain “INV SMOV”.
If it is set to “Inter-Entity”, then the reference will be “INV DMOV”.
Shop Floor Distribution Journal
SF Compressed SF Journal Transactions
Occurs at data entry, before posting the Shop Floor journal to the GL while stating Yes to Compress Journal Before Posting.
INV JADJ # Job BOM Cost Roll Up and Job Order Number
Occurs when an Item using specific cost method:
(1) has been Xref from a PO to a Job.
(2) has been received/issued to the Job.
(3) has the PO vouchered at a different cost than it was received.
(4) performs the Job Definition utility ‘Job BOM Cost Roll Up’ while changing the flag labeled ‘Update ‘P’ Ref Matl Actual Cost’ to ‘Yes’.
INV JBF # Job Order Back Flush and Job Order Number
Occurs when an Item has been flagged as Backflush Item: Yes on screen two, then entered as a Job BOM. The Material is automatically issued based on the quantity completed when the Operation or Job is shown as complete.
INV JCLS # Job Order Other WIP Variance and Job Order Number
Occurs when:
(1) The system has been set for standard costing in the system parameters.
(2) The Job in question has been completed.
(3) There has been variance between the standard cost and the actual cost found in the Job Definition program.
INV JFIN Job Order Finish and Job Order Number
Occurs when an Item has been partially completed on a Job and has been moved to Inventory without completing the Job found in the Job Definition program Job Transaction.
INV JFMO Order Fixed Material Overhead and Job Order Number
INV JMOV # Job Order Overhead Variance and Job Order Number
Occurs when:
(1) The system has been set for standard costing in the system parameters.
(2) The Item found in the Job BOM in which material overhead is being applied has had an update to the standard unit cost after the Job was created.
(3) The material is issued using the new standard cost found in the Job Definition program Material Transaction.
INV JMUV # Job Order Material Usage Variance and Job Order Number
Occurs when:
(1) The system has been set for standard costing in the system parameters.
(2) The material actually issued to the Job is greater or less than the standard quantity required.
(3) The Job in question has been completed as found in the Job Definition program.
INV JOB # Job Order Other Issue and Job Order Number
Occurs when an Item is issued to a Job that has a material type of Other as found in the Job Definition program Matl Transaction.
INV JOI# Job Order Material, Tool, Fixture, Issue, and Job Order Number
Occurs when an Item is issued to a Job that has a material type of Material, Fixture, Tool as found in the Job definition program, Material Transaction.
INV JOL # Job Order Labor and Job Order Number
Occurs when a Job labor transaction has been posted to a Job as found in the Job Definition program Job Transaction.
INV JRWK # Job Order Return for Rework and Job Order Number
Occurs when:
(1) The system has been set for actual costing in the system parameters.
(2) An Item that was previously produced and moved to Inventory is returned back to the originating Job through the Job Definition program Job Transaction.
INV JVMO # Job Order Variable Material Overhead and Job Order Number
Occurs when:
The shop floor control parameter labeled Ovhd Basis has been either set to M (material).
(2) The Variable Material Ovhd Rate in the product code file has been set to a value > 0 for those Items found on a Job BOM.
(3) The BOM Items have been issued to the Job found in the Job Definition program Material Transaction.
INV JWIP # Job Order WIP Account Change and Job Order Number
Occurs when a Job order’s WIP account has been changed after costs have been posted to the Job found in the Job Definition program.
Project Control Distribution Journal
PRJ MTL Project Resource Transaction
Occurs when a Project Resource transaction is performed.
PRJ ADJ Project Adjustment Transaction
Occurs when an Adjustment transaction is performed.
PRJ LBR Project Labor Transaction
Occurs when a Project Labor transaction is performed.
JCLS PRJ Project’s Job Order Other WIP Variances
Occurs when a job is cross referenced to a project and is closed with WIP variances.
JFIN PRJ Project’s Job Order Finish
Occurs when a job is cross referenced to a project and an item has been partially completed on a job and has been moved to Inventory without completing the job found in the Job Definition program Job Transaction.
JOL PRJ Project’s Job Order Labor
Occurs when a job is cross referenced to a project and a job labor transaction has been posted to a job as found in the Job Definition program Job Transaction.
JOM PRJ Project’s Job Order Material
Occurs when a job is cross referenced to a project and a job material transaction has been posted to a job as found in the Job Definition program Job Transaction.
JMUV PRJ Project’s Job Order Material Usage Variances
Occurs when a job is cross referenced to a project; the system has been set for standard costing in the system parameters; the material actually issued to the job is greater than or less than the standard quantity required; and the job in question has been completed as found in the Job Definition program.
JFMO PRJ Project’s Job Order Fixed Material Overhead Variances
JVMO PRJ Project’s Job Order Variable Material Overhead Variances
Occurs when a job is cross referenced to a project; the shop floor control parameter labeled Ovhd Basis contains at least M (material); the Variable Matl Ovhd Rate in the product code file has been set to a value greater than zero for those items found on a Job BOM; and the BOM items have been issued to the job found in the Job Definition Program Matl Transaction.
Purchase Order Distribution Journal
PO Compressed PO Journal Transactions
Occurs at data entry, before posting the Purchasing journal to the GL while stating Yes to Compress Journal Before Posting.
INV P-CL # PO Status Change and PO/Line Number
Occurs when a Purchase Order Line Item or the entire Purchase Order is closed where there is a cost difference between what the received Line Item cost versus what it was originally billed within the vouchering process, as found in the Purchase Order programs Items.
INV PIV # PO Status Change and PO/Line Number
Occurs when a Purchase Order Line Item or the entire Purchase Order is closed where there is a cost difference between the received Line Item cost versus what it was originally billed within the vouchering process, as found in the Purchase Order program Items. Any previously existing journal references may display the reference INVP-CL#. All new transactions will use INV-PIV.
INV PNI # PO for Non-Inventory Item and PO/Line Number
Occurs when a non-inventory Item is received against a Purchase Order Line Item, as found in the Purchasing program Enter Receiving Transaction.
INV PRCV # PO Receipt and PO/Line Number
Occurs when an Inventory Item is received against a Purchase Order Line Item as found in the Purchasing program Enter Receiving.
INVPRTN # PO Return and PO/Line Number
Occurs when a previously received Inventory Item on a Purchase Order Line Item is returned, as found in the Purchasing program Enter Receiving Transaction.
Work Center Distribution Journal
WCM # Work Center Material
Occurs when Actual Materials are posted either when there is a manual issue via the Work Center Materials Transaction screen or when Backflushing occurs for a Production Schedule or JIT Production as a result of posting transactions the Production Schedule Quantity Transaction screen or JIT Transaction screen and this represents the component costs of material from Split WIP.
WCL # Work Center Labor
Occurs when Actual Materials Labor hours are posted either when here is a manual issue via the Work Center Labor Transaction screen or when Backflushing occurs for a Production Schedule or JIT Production as a result of posting transactions the Production Schedule Quantity Transaction screen or JIT Transaction screen or component costs of material from Split WIP.
WCFO # Work Center Fixed Overhead
Occurs when Material, Labor or Machine Fixed Overhead costs are posted either when here is a manual issue via the Work Center Labor Transaction screen or when Backflushing occurs for a Production Schedule or JIT Production as a result of posting transactions the Production Schedule Quantity Transaction screen or JIT Transaction screen or component costs of material from Split WIP.
WCVO # Work Center Variable Overhead
Occurs when Material, Labor or Machine Variable Overhead costs are posted either when here is a manual issue via the Work Center Labor Transaction screen or when Backflushing occurs for a Production Schedule or JIT Production as a result of posting transactions the Production Schedule Quantity Transaction screen or JIT Transaction screen or component costs of material from Split WIP.
WCO # Work Center Outside Labor
Occurs when Actual Materials Labor hours are posted either when here is a manual issue via the Work Center Labor Transaction screen or when Backflushing occurs for a Production Schedule or JIT Production as a result of posting transactions the Production Schedule Quantity Transaction screen or JIT Transaction screen. These transactions are for Outside Work Centers or component costs of material from Split WIP.
WCI # Work Center Inventory
Occurs when issuing materials from inventory for Production Schedule Complete transactions or JIT Production.
WFIN # Work Center Finished Goods
Occurs when Finished Goods are received into inventory from a Work Center.
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