
Posts Tagged ‘SL8’

How to block “PO Box” being entered into Customer Ship To Address

January 23rd, 2009 No comments


Many business would not allow product shipped to a “PO Box” address.  So would like to block any “PO Box” address being entered into any ship to address.


1)      Enter design mode of “Customer Ship Tos” Form.

2)      We are going to first create a script.  Go to “Menu -> Edit -> Script”, a Script window should open.  Click “New”, enter Script Name called “NoPOBox”, then click OK.


Put in the following script:

Option Explicit On

Option Strict On

Imports System

Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic

Imports Mongoose.IDO.Protocol

Imports Mongoose.Scripting

Namespace SyteLine.GlobalScripts

Public class NoPOBox

Inherits GlobalScript

Sub Main()

Dim strValue As String

Dim logicYN as boolean

Dim logicYN1 as boolean

Dim logicYN2 as boolean

Dim logicYN3 as boolean

Dim logicYN4 as boolean

strValue = GetParameter(0).ToUpper()

logicYN = strValue like “*PO BOX*”

logicYN1 = strValue like “*P.O BOX*”

logicYN2 = strValue like “*P.O.BOX*”

logicYN3 = strValue like “*PO. BOX*”

logicYN4 = strValue like “*P.O. BOX*”

If logicYN or logicYN1 or logicYN2 or logicYN3 or logicYN4

ReturnValue = “1”


ReturnValue = “0”

end if

End Sub

End Class

End Namespace

Then “OK” to save the Script, and “Done” to close the Script window.

3)      Create a Validator.

While we are still in the design mode of “Ship Tos” Form, from menu, go to “Edit -> Validator”.  A “Validator” window open, click “New”.  In the “Validator Properties” window, enter “NoPOBox” as name, “Run Script” as type.  Select “NoPOBox” as script name from the pull-down list, that is the script we just created in step 2).


Then, create Error Message: “PO Box Is Not Valid Address”.


Click OK all the way back, we now have created a validator called “NoPOBox”, and we can apply it to the fields that we want to validate.

4)      Apply validator


Click to enter PV(Addr_1), that means property value of Addr_1, as parameters.


5) Now save the change and exit out of design mode, we should be able to see the validation is working:


How to use the Query Form

September 23rd, 2008 No comments

The “Query” function in Syteline allows you to use multiple selection criteria to query transaction.  The example below show you how to query manual transactions for inventory account in a given date range.

Open the “GL posted transaction query” form.ScreenShot001

Click “Additional Criteria” tab.
In the first pull down list, select “Account”.  In second pull down list, select “=”.  Put in an account#, or select from pull down list in the last field, then click the “Add” button.

ScreenShot003Select “Posted from”, let it “=” to General.  That means we will only select transactions that is posted from “General Journal”, instead of normal inventory transactions that are posted from “IC Journal”.  Then click the “Add” button.

Repeat the similar process for “Transaction date”, to give a date range.  Once finished entering all the criteria, click the “Refesh” button.  Transaction data should shows up.

ScreenShot004Right click on left-upper corner of the grid, from the menu, select “To Excel”, you will then be able to export the data to Excel.

The similar query process will work on all the “Query” form.

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